Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Cardboard mock-up

One of the projects in the Quarterly maker box curated by Adam Savage is a cardboard model of his maker space. Growing up, cardboard was how he got started in making and he wanted people to have skill with this medium. In the box were laser cut, labeled pieces to be hot glued together.

While originally, I thought that I would take the time to embellish the walls and make it more like his space than would be shown in plain cardboard, but then I realized that it was more important to do this craft with my daughters.

I didn't get any pictures of the pile of pieces before assembly, but here are some pictures of the process.
Of course, being 6 and 9, they seemed to think the best part was the bathroom:
Assembling the bathroom

Once they figured out that some of what we were putting in were display cabinets, they decided to decorate them. Thing one wanted to make sure the people had snacks and games.
Decorating the display cabinet

I believe Thing two drew Toothless.

As soon as we finished and I mentioned making a model of our house, the girls were ready to start measuring.  I now have the pieces cut out, but need to find a chunk of not busy time while the girls are awake to assemble it.

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