My girls are taking martial arts classes. Whenever they have something that I have to take them to, I bring something to work on. This week it was a blanket/throw I'm working on for Thing 1.
I'll admit that it's an unusual blanket:
This is a fleece that Valerie picked out last spring. We felted the cut side of the fleece onto some batting and then it got set aside for a while. I pulled it out recently and am adding a layer of flannel to the back to make it softer to use as a blanket.
At martial arts, I took this out to start hemming the edges. The guy sitting next to me asked: "So what are you doing, knitting an elk?"
I chuckled and explained what I was doing. At one point I commented "it's been washed, but otherwise it's straight from the sheep".
His reply: "So, this is the real thing?"
Uh... Yes... the clue should have been when I said that I had a friend with sheep and this was wool.
It always amazes me how little people know about crafts. When I commented this to my husband, his response was that he was woefully ignorant of crafts that I do and had only picked up things like the difference between knitting and crocheting because he's been around me.
I do realize that this blanket is an odd craft, but I had no knitting needles, so obviously I wasn't knitting. Comments like this make me want to continue to bring my odd projects out into the world to work on so that I can do a little bit toward educating people.
Besides, this fleece is way too dark to be an elk.